A Complete Guide to Second Flush Darjeeling Teas

A Complete Guide to Second Flush Darjeeling Teas

Darjeeling teas grow in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India. The flavour profile, aroma, and texture of Darjeeling leaves depend on when and where they were processed. Tea leaves prepared by tea estates in the hill stations of Darjeeling are the most sought-after products among both locals and people around the world.

There are four main types of Darjeeling teas: First Flush, Second Flush, Monsoon Flush, and Autumn Flush teas. The type of leaves selected, area of harvest, and tea harvesting process ultimately defines the taste experience.

Darjeeling tea is a product of the famous tea plant, Camellia Sinensis. This tea plant cycles through several periods of growth and dormancy. Each flush starts when the tea plant grows fresh leaves and ends when they are entirely harvested. Darjeeling tea undergoes four main blooms. These are as follows:

  • First Flush, which takes place between February to April
  • Second Flush, which takes place from May to June
  • Monsoon Flush, which takes place from July to September
  • Autumn Flush, shortest of the harvests that usually begins from October to November

The months listed above are not fixed, and the harvest depends on weather patterns and the specific location of the tea estate. For example, too much rainfall earlier than expected will bring about the second flush sooner while late rain will delay the second flush by a few weeks and vice versa. 2nd flush Darjeeling tea is a thin, light-coloured beverage with a flavorful aroma.

What ultimately makes the second flush Darjeeling tea taste so legendary is its freshness. Every season, the tea farmers will take the most exceptional care as they hand-select tea leaves based on their texture, colour, wholesomeness, and aroma.

Moonlight Glitter Darjeeling Black Tea Second Flush 2022

Light - liquoring fine and soft Green Tea with a smooth, slightly vegetal and floral taste having multiple health benefits.

Summer Grill Second Flush Darjeeling Black Tea

Bright - liquoring prime second flush tea with a high fire and toasted characteristic.

In-Depth Flavor Profile of Second Flush Darjeeling Tea

Second Flush Darjeeling teas are well-rounded and full-bodied with muscatel flavour and cedar finish. The brilliant orange liquor has notes of honey, toffee, and blackcurrant, giving you a luxurious experience. The leaves themselves have amber hues.

A refreshing cup of 2nd flush Darjeeling tea is often a combination of brisk astringent characteristics with a sense of tang that isn’t necessarily bitter. It has a complex muscatel mellowness with an incredibly rich flavour. 2nd flush Darjeeling doesn’t need milk or sweeteners!

Note: The second flush is often full-bodied & bold than first flush Darjeelings. The taste also depends on the method in which the tea leaves are steeped; and how long they are steeped.
Most tea experts are torn between choosing either of the two flushes as the First Flush Darjeeling is famous due to its peachy, meadow-like flavours. However, people with a penchant for delicate flavour profiles with slight bold taste tend to prefer 2nd Flush Darjeeling tea. Our recommendation is to try both 1st flush and 2nd flush Darjeeling teas to find out yourself.

How to Drink 2nd Flush Darjeeling Tea?

Tea drinking is more than merely consuming an aromatic beverage; it is an enjoyable experience. Much like wine, you don’t just take in huge gulps of Darjeeling tea. It’s vital to first smell the liquor, before proceeding to sip it, and then letting it stay in your mouth for a brief period. This will help you appreciate the actual taste of 2nd flush Darjeeling tea.

Is Second Flush Darjeeling full-bodied or light?

Second flush Darjeeling will be more or less, full-bodied and have overtones of red berries, peaches, cantaloupe, and dried apples.
Now slowly swallow it in and gradually exhale. What do you feel on your throat and tongue? How does the empty space in your mouth taste like? In the case of Second Flush Darjeeling, the finish and aroma are as important as the actual flavour.

Tea Bags or Whole Leaves: Which is Better?

The main benefit of using the tea bag is that it is fast and easy to use. It brews fast and doesn’t require much in the way of equipment. The flavour, however, may leave a lot to be desired. If you are looking forward to tasting more of the 2nd flush tea leaves, then there are better options out there.

Our advice is to ditch the tea bags altogether and choose loose leaf tea for the best tea tasting experience.

Golden tips always list the fresh teas much before the other vendors; we are among the first ones to list second flush teas earliest for our customers this season. We work with expert tea cultivators who source the highest quality of Second Flush Darjeeling tea leaves. By choosing to buy Second Flush Darjeeling Tea in its freshest form, you can enjoy the delicate smells, tastes, and legitimacy that it has to offer.

Click here to buy authentic Second Flush Darjeeling tea in its purest form.

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